Investing in startups for Next Generation

Our Portfolio

Why the name - WhiteHill Ventures?

WhiteHill is a small village in northern part of Scotland which has stood the test of time for three hundred years. It started with few fisherman building a fishing community back in 1700’s; unfettered by natural and economical challenges this community adapted and grew to be one of the most vibrant fishing communities in Scotland. Even today, WhiteHill, remains a very popular spot in Scotland attracting people from all walks of life, preparing itself for centuries to come.

What is WhiteHill Ventures?

WhiteHill Ventures, is a Proprietary Venture Fund to support startups at their earliest stages with capital and mentorship. As the name suggests, we are out there to back a community of entrepreneurs who have a long term vision, is undeterred by the constantly changing environment and is willing to quickly learn from mistakes. We also believe in data based investing and are building custom tools to help us increase the speed of investment decisions.

What is typical ticket size of WH investment ?

Our typical investments range between 10,000 USD - 100,000 USD per start-up and are generally market agnostic.